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Refactoring a PHP application, part 2

This is the second post in the series. The first post is available here.

In the last post we talked about exactly what we'd be working with, and more importantly what we want to end up with. In this post we'll be talking about getting a single entry point enabled.

First, let's move our project directory into a subfolder. We're going to start using a "public" directory, so there will be some project files above that. Something like this might work for you, but you should double check that only files that should be publically accessible are in the public directory. For example, your .git directory should not be in your public/ directory.

# move all the front-end assets into a public dir
find . -type f \( \
        -name "*.css" -o  \
        -name "*.html" -o \
        -name "*.js" -o \
        -name "robots.txt" -o \
        -name "humans.txt" -o \
        -name "favicon.ico" -o \
        -name ".htaccess" \) |
    while read file
        mkdir -p "public/$(dirname $file)"
        mv "$file" "public/$file"

# move all the PHP files into a "handlers" directory
find . -name '*.php' | while read file; do
    mkdir -p "handlers/$(dirname $file)"
    mv "$file" "handlers/$file"

We'll be creating our entry script (index.php) inside the public directory. This will be where all our dynamic app requests get processed, so we'll put our dispatch and routing logic here. But first we need a way of sending the requests to this file, which is where server config rules come into play.

If you're using Nginx, you can use something like this:

# change the try_files directive to
try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$args

The preferred method for Apache users is now the FallbackResource directive. If you're using Apache v2.2.16 or higher, you can put this in your .htaccess or httpd.conf file (make sure the .htaccess file is in your /public directory):

FallbackResource /index.php

Older Apache users are stuck with RewriteRules (placed in the same file):

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule ^ index.php [QSA,L]

For those few Lighttpd users, I've been told this will get you up and running:

url.rewrite-if-not-file = ("(.*)" => "/index.php/$0")

To test this works, let's check the superglobals in our entry script (public/index.php):

<?php echo $_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"];

Visiting the root (/) entry point should output something like this:


Visiting an arbitrary endpoint, say /lorem/ipsum/blah/blah, should output something like this:


Cool! We've got an entry script that can effectively handle all of our future requests.

Now we need to setup some code inside the index.php to forward requests to the same files as before. For the sake of this post series I've created a quick and dirty router. You can find it here. Assuming you have Composer installed globally, setting it up will look something like this:

composer require 'ciarand/quick-n-dirty-php-router' 'dev-master'

All you need in your public/index.php file is this:

<?php // index.php

require "vendor/autoload.php";

use Ciarand\Router;

// where you keep your scripts (outside of the public web dir)
$handler_dir = __DIR__ . "/../handler";

// the script you'd like to handle 404s with
// (this isn't strictly necessary, but it's a nice touch)
$missing_script = $handler_dir . "/404.php";

$request = $handler_dir . "/" . Router::scriptForEnv($_SERVER);

return require (file_exists($request))
    ? $request
    : $missing_script;

Okay, so now we can run some tests. Try opening some random URLs that worked before and make sure they still work. This is just a quick sanity check as the router is unit tested, but everyone's configuration is different and you may encounter some project-specific bugs. Make sure to test:

  • subdirectories (i.e. /subdir/ and /subdir should show the same thing as /subdir/index.php)

  • static assets (css, js, image files)

  • 404s

Great! We've got a single entry point and we haven't broken anything! We can safely start adding features via required files to the index.php and make sure we don't repeat any effort. More importantly, we've made a huge step in the direction of moving toward a more automated, test-friendly system.

In the next post we'll go over how to add some functional tests so we can be sure our future efforts don't break anything.

Update (2015-06-28): There's a ton of really good materials on this topic that were released either while I was writing this post or right after. Instead of regurgitating all that, here's a list of helpful resources on the topics of testing and refactoring legacy PHP applications: