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Using systemd template files

Arch Linux ships with systemd as the system management daemon. It's very cool, but I struggled for an embarassing amount of time with getting it to start envoy (an ssh-agent management tool). The problem I encountered was mostly due to my naïve assumption about the autocompleted service files.

Specifically, bash autocompleted

systemctl enable envoy


systemctl enable envoy@service.service

I didn't really know what the "@" meant, so I assumed it was correct and ran with it. On my next restart it failed, and after some research I finally figured out why. The "@" in systemd filenames signifies that the file is a "template" file. There's a really good explanation on stackoverflow. Here's the relevant part:

The @ symbol is for special services where multiple instances can be run.

For instance, getty@.service is the service that provides text login terminals. When you press Ctrl+Alt+F2, getty@tty2.service is started, creating virtual terminal #2.

Basically, the part after the "@" and before the extension (".service" in this case) is a variable that's used inside the service file. I disabled "envoy@service.service", enabled "envoy@ssh-agent.service" and reloaded systemd. Everything's working now and I understand systemd better.

As a sidenote, I found the following commands to be really helpful in debugging problems related to systemd:

# Show a service file's details, including file location
systemctl show [service name]
# Show failed units
systemctl --failed
# Show all logs this boot (-b) related to that service file
journalctl -b | grep [service name]